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Enter your data separately for each tax lot (i.e. purchase date):
1. Name of owner or account
2. Name of stock or other security
3. Number of shares
4. Date of first purchase (tax lot)
5. Cost basis (total not per share) of first purchase, including commissions & fees, adjusted for previous spinoffs, mergers, etc $ (no commas)
6. Date of sale
7. Sales proceeds (total not per share) from sale of this tax lot $ (no commas)
8. Date of second purchase
9. Cost of second purchase including fees & commissions (total cost not per share) before wash sale adjustment $ (no commas)
10. Did you acquire these shares by gift, bequest, divorce settlement, or non-taxable exchange (such as a stock merger)?  
11. Were "substantially identical" securities acquired by an immediate family member or in an alternate account such as an IRA within the 61-day wash sale window?